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Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan Bagaimana cara saya masuk? Bagaimana cara melakukan transfer aset? Bagaimana cara mengisi formulir pengalihan hak milik melalui FAMS? Berikut adalah daftar pertanyaan kami yang paling banyak ditanyakan. Kami harap ini dapat membantu dalam menemukan informasi yang Anda butuhkan. Klik disini Pertanyaan FAQ di bawah ini: How do I find an asset? Search bar --> Scan or Type Asset Tag ---> Select magnifying glass ---> Select search option. How do I change an asset's details? Go to "Assets" on the Header of the website ---> Click on the "Asset Name" of the asset you are looking for ---> Click on the Edit button (pencil icon) next to the "CONTAINER SCAN" button. How do I add an asset? Users can add assets to the system by importing spreadsheets, duplicating existing assets, or manually adding them through our mobile or web apps. How to I conduct an inventory? This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content and make sure to add any relevant details or information that you want to share with your visitors.
- Guides & Procedures | FAMS
Prosedur Operasi Standar Klik Disini untuk SOP Click Here for Desktop SOP Di sini, Anda dapat menemukan SOP kami sebagai panduan untuk antarmuka FAMS. Untuk semua proses, operasi, dan prosedur, silakan lihat dokumen ini. Panduan pengguna Untuk pengguna akhir, kami memiliki informasi yang dapat berguna untuk proses inventaris harian Anda di sini. Klik Di Sini untuk Panduan Pengguna 1/29
- Services | FAMS
pelayanan kami Ini adalah Halaman Layanan Anda. Ini adalah kesempatan bagus untuk memberikan informasi tentang layanan yang Anda berikan. Klik dua kali pada kotak teks untuk mulai mengedit konten Anda dan pastikan untuk menambahkan semua detail relevan yang ingin Anda bagikan dengan pengunjung situs. Fixed Asset Management We provide hardware, software, and tools to help organizations track and log all fixed assets in real time, ensuring accurate records and easy management. Regulatory Compliance We ensure your asset management meets federal regulations, including 2 CFR 200.313, keeping you compliant with government funding requirements. Real-Time Asset Tracking Our system allows you to monitor assets instantly, providing real-time updates on location and status for better control and transparency. Professional Support We offer expert support for setup, training, and ongoing maintenance, ensuring your asset management system operates smoothly at all times.
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How can we help you? Guides & Procedures Here you can find our SOP and User Guide. Read More Demonstration Videos Visit this page to find our how-to-videos. Read More Services View our other services. Read More Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) This is where you can find answers to the most asked questions about FAMS. Read More Survey Here you can fill out a survey for a more in-depth issues. Read More About Get to know the team behind the scenes. Read More
- Demonstration Videos | FAMS
Here you can view our DEMONSTRATION VIDEOS EDITING ADDING SCANNING Everything from adding assets to making reports, these videos are dedicated to helping our users understand the ins-and-outs of FAMS. Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Salin Tautan Tautan Disalin Kanal ini akan segera hadir!